I made Ocean one campaign poster I made with Photoshop CC. It describe not all blue ocean is clean.

This is another poster that I made on Photoshop CC. I heard lots of whales died because they ate garbages. So, I use that idea and I made what's inside whale's body with X-ray.

The Ocean is being polluted by garbage. There are millions of garbages found in the ocean. Fishes and sea creatures are dying because of the garbage. We need to campaign to stop dumping into the ocean. So, I designed for the cause. "Ocean One", that means Ocean is only one, we must save it. The half fish and half bone between the waterline logo conveys the message, "Are you going to save them or let them die?" in addition to, "Ocean creature is dying, we must save them". The tagline, "End ocean junk", means no more dumping into the ocean.